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Home | Beijing Vibro

BEIJING VIBROFLOTATION ENGINEERING CO.,LTD. (referred to as "Beijing Vibro") is a subsidiary of China Electric Power Construction Group, a Fortune 500 company. It is a national first-grade construction enterprise integrating engineering construction and new technology development, application and promotion. The company currently has multiple ...

Vibrometry products

The IVS-500 Industrial Vibration Sensor is key to fast and non-contact vibro-acoustic quality inspection, structure-borne noise analysis and reliable pass-fail decisions. Its robust and compact design enables a smooth integration into process control systems for in-line and production testing up to 100 kHz, whenever requiring short cycle times ...

Vibro дэлгэц

Vibro Screen - Separation Made Easy. The vibro screen is an amazing gadget that has revolutionized the process in which materials are separated within various industries. This …

Vibratory Finishing Process for Metal Deburring and Polishing …

This guide is the layman's guide for vibratory finishing. Vibratory finishing is one of the popular mass finishing techniques employed by most of the manufacturers.. 1. Vibratory Finishing Process. The entire process happens inside the vibratory finishing machine.. This machine consists of a large container that will hold the parts for finishing and the finishing media.