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Ачааны машинд суурилуулсан кран нь тээвэрлэгч (ачааны машин) ба бум (гар) гэсэн хоёр хэсгээс бүрдэнэ. Өвөрмөц бүтэцтэй учраас ямар ч өвөрмөц тохиргоо, …

Nine Tips for Fuel Saving in Truck Cranes Tow Crane

In the construction industry, fuel consumption of ачааны кран s constitutes a significant portion of operational costs. Effective fuel management not only reduces expenses but also contributes to environmental sustainability. Here are seven essential tips for optimizing fuel usage in ачааны кранс, ensuring that your operations remain efficient and cost-effective.

Safety Operation Considerations for Truck-Mounted Cranes

Safety devices are integral to the safe operation of ачааны машинд суурилуулсан кранс. Key safety devices include: a. Amplitude Indicators. Installed on both sides of the boom, amplitude indicators show the working amplitude and the corresponding rated lifting load based on the boom angle.

Comprehensive Guide to Diagnosing and Troubleshooting …

Crane engines are susceptible to overheating, a common issue that can lead to significant operational downtime, costly repairs, and potentially dangerous situations. Engine overheating can arise due to various factors such as coolant leaks, component failures, blocked airflow, or improper fuel timing. This guide provides an in-depth analysis of the common …

Хөшөө краны янз бүрийн төрлүүд юу вэ

Энэ нь эцсийн ачааны машинд тулгуурласан хоёр гүүрний дам нуруутай. Энэ төрлийн краныг ихэвчлэн барилга, уул уурхай, хүнд үйлдвэрлэл гэх мэт их ачаалалтай эсвэл өргөн зайтай үйлдвэрүүдэд ...

What should I do if the battery of the truck-mounted crane …

Dear truck-mounted crane owners, encountering a situation where the vehicle cannot start due to a dead battery can be a frustrating and inconvenient experience. I believe many people should have come across this problem at some point. Ерөнхийдөө, a newly bought truck-mounted crane is less likely to have this issue.