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Authorized Dealers International. You can purchase any of our products (not all items stocked at locations) from the following authorized dealers:


The impact action of the Table is what prevents the ore from packing. If the ore starts to pack (not be fluid on the Table) then the impact action must be adjusted so that the impact is harder. Note: with a new table, the springs are tight and you might …

CLS Manual, Non-Cyanide Leaching

By Jim V. Humble, President 1981 and updated in 2016 by Michael C. Glenn, President of Action Mining Services Inc. 97 pages soft bound. This is a manual for every miner. A wealth of mining information including step by-step instructions on how to do fire assays, special ore treatments, leaching, free milling ores, complex ores, electro ...

Action Mining Services

Action Mining Services. 55 likes. Action Mining Services provides a huge workshop equipped with the latest technology to provide highly cost-effective manufacturing and repair services with rapid...


Action Mining Australia Ian is the Australian agent for Action Mining, manufacturers of the innovative Micron Mill Wave Table. He also conducts wet gravity recovery tests and related metallurgical lab work such as fine milling of ores and size classification, and supplies new and used mining, mineral processing, construction and laboratory ...

Catalog pdf

ACTION MINING Wave Tables For Micron Gold Recovery. Micron Mill Wave Tables, why recovery gets simpler, not more complex... Positive means of recovering microscopic gold …

Action Mining Catalog

Ian is the Australian agent for Action Mining, manufacturers of the innovative Micron Mill Wave Table. He also conducts wet gravity recovery tests and related metallurgical lab work such as fine milling of ores and size classification, and supplies new and used mining, mineral processing, construction and laboratory equipment.

Стандартчилсан загвар үйлдвэрлэл

Монгол орны эрдсийн түүхий эдээр СЗ үйлдвэрлэдэг нь геологийн шинжилгээ, судалгааны ажил гүйцэтгэж байгаа лабораториудын хувьд ижил төстэй матриц бүхий чулуулаг, хүдэр, баяжмалын эталон дээжээр хяналт хийх ...

Impact Mill 11"

Impact Mill 11″, bench model 1HP, 110 VAC, 60Hz 3450 RPM (ships UPS Ground only) Designed to be fast, efficient, and long lasting with carbide tipped hammers as standard equipment. 2 outlets allowing you to customize running wet or dry material!

Delivery Information

If your order requires expedited shipping by Air or is subject to time constraints, we would suggest contacting Action Mining Services Inc. by telephone to place your order at 406-826-9330. Action Mining Services Inc., office hours are Tue – Fri, 9:00am – 3:00pm (Mountain Time). Appointment are necessary for will call orders. Back Orders: