Our Story

Oberg developed one of the industry's earliest apprenticeship programs in the 1950's to help create future generations of highly skilled craftsman that were needed for the fast-growing company. Today, Oberg's world-renowned apprenticeship program is competency-based involving both classroom and paid, on-the-job skills training. ...


9.1в.Мэдээллэн загвар байгуулах үе шатад тулгуурлан физикийн хялбар загвар бүтээх 9.1а.МХХТ-ийн нийгэмд үзүүлж буй үр нөлөөг ойлгосны үндсэн дээр түүний мэдээллийн нийгмийн онцлогийг зураглах

Flowchart Maker & Online Diagram Software

Flowchart Maker and Online Diagram Software. draw.io is free online diagram software. You can use it as a flowchart maker, network diagram software, to create UML online, as an ER diagram tool, to design database schema, to build BPMN online, as a circuit diagram maker, and more. draw.io can import .vsdx, Gliffy™ and Lucidchart™ files .

Уул уурхайн зориулалттай бутлуур

Уул уурхайн зориулалттай бутлуурын төрлүүд. Хацарт бутлуур (Jaw Crusher) Хацарт бутлуур нь хоёр хатуу ган хавтангийн хооронд материалыг шахаж буталдаг. Энэхүү бутлуур нь том хэмжээтэй материалыг эхлээд жижиглэхэд ...

Тусгаарлагч ба дамжуулагч

Цахилгаан дамжуулах, тусгаарлах тухай ойлголтыг харуулах. Тэмдэглэл: Энэхүү хичээлийн төлөвлөгөө нь зөвхөн ангид ашиглах зориулалттай бөгөөд цахилгаан болон электрон ойлголтыг мэддэг багшийн хяналтан дор хийгддэг.

Lecture 1 | PPT

3. • Цахилгаан хэлхээ нь эсэргүүцэл- r, индукцлэг-l, багтаамж-c элементүүд, тэднийг холбосон дамжуулагч утас, цахилгаан энергийн үүсгүүр гэсэн бүрэлдэхүүнтэй байна. • Эсэргүүцэл нь цахилгаан энергийг дулааны энерги ...

цахилгаан хими 8 | PDF | Free Download

Цахилгаан гүйдэл дамжуулагчдыг электроны шилжилтээр цахилгаан гүйдэл дамжуулдаг хатуу буюу хайлмал төлөвт байгаа металлуудыг нэгдугээр төрлийн цахилгаан дамжуулагчид гэж нэрлэнэ.

Housing & Construction

Oberg pioneered the industry's original high-volume, high-precision tooling design that is still used today to make most metal parts and assemblies for the housing / construction market. Our tooling expertise optimizes material utilization, part production rate, and equipment up-time to give you smarter, more cost-efficient, high-volume ...

Corporate Profile

Oberg is a privately-held, vertically-integrated contract manufacturer and supply chain integrator providing tooling/metal stamping and precision machining services to many well-known companies around the world. We excel in key markets by successfully delivering customized advanced manufacturing solutions for our customers with: Nearly 700 ...

You Already Know Oberg

Oberg is a trusted contract manufacturing partner to some of the world's most recognized companies – helping them bring thousands of innovative products to market. Our highly-skilled employees stamp, grind, mill, turn, machine and design customized components and assemblies found in countless items that improve the quality of life for ...

Surgical Instruments

Oberg delivers precision stamped, machined, and welded assemblies with excellent quality and cost competitiveness since all related manufacturing capabilities are in the same facility. We minimize tooling development costs by utilizing skilled engineers who use simulation analysis to troubleshoot and resolve any potential stamping production ...

The Oberg Advantage

You need precision components that fit perfectly, offer long-lasting performance, arrive on time and are cost-effective. We get it. Better yet, we offer the brain power, experience, facilities, flexibility and passion to make it happen. We listen, partner and work hard. And that's the Oberg advantage. It's a key reason why our precision metal components and tooling are used by …