
The chuser command changes the principal-name of an existing AccuRev user and/or changes the user's AccuRev licensing. A principal name must start with a letter (a-z, A-Z); it can contain only letters, underscores, spaces, hyphens, periods, plus signs, the commercial at …

The Canterbury Tales: The General Prologue Summary

The Squire, says the narrator, wants to find favor with his lady.His tunic is embroidered with flowers, as if he had gathered a meadow and sewn it to his clothes, and his gown is short with wide sleeves. The Squire is constantly singing and playing the flute. He can also joust, dance, draw, and write well. The Squire is so passionately in love that he sleeps no more than a …

Конус — Вікіпедія

Прямий і похилий конуси Зрізаний круговий конус. Ко́нус (лат. conus від дав.-гр. κώνος — «шпичак шолома», «шишка») [1] заст. кружі́ль [2] — геометричне тіло, отримане шляхом об'єднання всіх променів, що виходять з однієї ...

How to Use the chown Command on Linux

We can see that the name dave appears twice in the listing. The left-most appearance tells us the file owner is a user called dave.The right-most dave tells us the file belongs to a group that is also called dave.. By default, when a Linux user is created, they are added to a private group named for their username.

конус chuser

Конус в геометрии - элементы, формулы, свойства с примерами. Конусом называется тело, полученное вращением прямоугольного треугольника вокруг оси, проходящей через один из его катетов (рис ...

chgroup Command

The chgroup command changes attributes for the group specified by the Group parameter. The group name must already exist. To change an attribute, specify the attribute name and the value you want to change it to in the Attribute=Value parameter.. To change the attributes for a group that was created with an alternate Identification and Authentication (I&A) mechanism, the -R …

Manpage of chuser

The chuser command modifies an administrative user ID for the management node. Only user IDs which have been created with mkuser can be modified. This command also facilitates the configuration and clearance of ssh keys for root user.

chuser Command

The chuser command changes attributes for the user identified by the Name parameter. The user name must already exist. To change an attribute, specify the attribute name and the new value with the Attribute=Value parameter. The following files contain local user attributes that are set by …


Начало на страницата. повърхнина на пресечен конус. Имаме прав кръгов пресечен конус, за който са въведени следните данни: h - височина на конус; m - разлика между радиусите на двете основи; P - периметър на осното сечение ...

chuser Command

Add a user to an administrative group. An administrative group is a group with the admin attribute set to true. Members of the security group can change the attributes of non-administrative users and add users to non-administrative groups. The chuser command manipulates local …

Ignition Deepcrusher | Deepwoken Wiki | Fandom

The Ignition Deepcrusher is a Legendary Club and Sword; an invention of ferrofluid that can become either a mace for clubbing, or a sword for cutting. The mace is held by a bordered hilt in both hands, under a chess piece cross that makes the club, its gambit being to inhibit with Ironsing rods. When held with one hand, it can instead slash through victims, done with a …

Конус. Формулы, признаки, свойства

Усечённый конус. Если на какой-либо высоте конуса провести секущую плоскость, параллельную основанию, то мы получим две фигуры: конус меньшего объёма сверху и усечённый конус внизу.

Конус пластмасов Konen 22 Ф22 – 500 бр. (Магекс)

Конусът пластмасов Konen 22 с диаметър Ф22 е идеален за индустриална употреба, където се изисква надеждна и устойчива фиксация. Проектиран да издържи на тежки условия на работа и да осигури дълготрайност, този конус е ...

chuser Command

The chuser command manipulates local user data only. You cannot use it to change data in registry servers like NIS and DCE. Flags. Item Description-R load_module: Specifies the loadable I&A module used to change the user's attributes. Attributes. If you have the proper authority, you can set the following user attributes:

Наносен конус – Уикипедия

Наносен конус е акумулативна форма на релефа (в план във вид на конус, а в обемно изражение – на полуконус), образувана от натрупването на разрушен едър и дребен скален материал от временни ... chuser

Change attributes of a user, or upload API keys. Purpose. The chuser command allows you to change an attribute for an existing Exascale user, or manage API keys for a user.

Methods of Locking User Accounts

You can use the "chuser" command to set this on an account: # chuser account_locked=true USERNAME A login attempt would give this message: login: lockme lockme's Password: Your account has been locked; please see the system administrator. To Allow Login unlock the account with: # chuser account_locked=false USERNAME

Befehl "chuser"

Der Befehl chuser ändert Attribute für den mit dem Parameter Name angegebenen Benutzer. Der Benutzername muss bereits vorhanden sein. Zum Ändern eines Attributs geben Sie den Attributnamen und den neuen Wert mit dem Parameter Attribut=Wert an. Die folgenden Dateien enthalten lokale Benutzerattribute, die von diesem Befehl festgelegt werden: /etc/passwd

chuser command

Description. The chuser command changes attributes for the user identified by the Name variable. To change an attribute, specify the attribute name and the new value with the -attr Attribute=Value variable.. Use the -ldap flag if the user is an LDAP user. Specifying the -ldap flag authenticates through the LDAP load module and changes the users attributes specified by …