CSR PT. Maruwei Coal (AMC) Kampanye Kesehatan dan …

Baritorayapost, Dirung Sararong - PT Maruwai Coal (Adaro Metcoal Companies) salahsatu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang usaha tambang batubara pemegang ijin PKP2B melalui program corporate social responsibility (CSR) sambangi Desa Dirung Sararong, Kecamatan Barito Tuhup Raya (Batura) Kabupaten Murung Raya (Mura) Provinsi …

Adaro Minerals Beri Pinjaman Anak Usaha Rp1,6 Triliun …

Melansir keterbukaan informasi, Kamis (9/2) PT Maruwai Coal telah menandatangani pinjaman dengan PT Lahai Coal, PT Juloi Coal, PT Kalteng Coal, dan PT Sumber Barito Coal. ... Secara rinci, pada Senin (9/2), Maruwai Coal memberikan pinjaman US$ 50 juta (Rp 754 miliar) pada Lahai Coal, US$ 50 juta (Rp 754 miliar) kepada Juloi Coal, US$ 5 …

The Adaro Group Presentation

These materials have been prepared by PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk (the "Company") and have not been independently verified. No representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made and no reliance should be placed on the accuracy, ... 4 MW captive power to PT Maruwai Coal (PTMC), a

PT. MARUWAI COAL Company Profile

Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for PT. MARUWAI COAL of Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.


Most of AMI's coal production in 2023 was hard coking coal (HCC) from its Lampunut mine in Maruwai called the Enviromet. Enviromet has strong coking characteristics, rating 9 for its …

Adaro Minerals Indonesia

AMI has 5 (five) subsidiaries operating in the metallurgical coal mining, PT Lahai Coal ("LC"), PT Maruwai Coal ("MC"), PT Sumber Barito Coal ("SBC"), PT Kalteng Coal ("KC"), dan PT Juloi …

IndoMet Coal Project

The IndoMet Coal Project (ICP) (which was initially referred to by BHP Billiton as the Maruwai coal project), covers five potential coal deposits in East and Central Kalimantan in Indonesia. The coal deposits were discovered by BHP Billiton in the late 1990's but initial development of the first of the five deposits within the broad project area - the Haju coal project -- did not commence ...

Careers & Jobs at PT Maruwai Coal | Nov 2024

About PT Maruwai Coal . Adaro MetCoal Companies (AMC) refers to a group of seven companies holding Coal Contract of Work (CCoW) for seven concession areas in Central and East Kalimantan provinces that were entirely acquired by the Adaro Group from BHP Billiton in October 2016. These CCoWs currently constitute 1.27 billion tonnes of premium ...

Adaro Minerals Indonesia

Perusahaan ini didirikan oleh Adaro Energy pada tahun 2007 dengan nama "PT Jasapower Indonesia". Pada tahun 2010, Adaro Energy mengakuisisi 25% saham PT Lahai Coal, PT Maruwai Coal, PT Kalteng Coal, PT Sumber Barito Coal, dan PT Juloi Coal.Pada tahun 2015, PT Lahai Coal mulai memproduksi batu bara metalurgi semi lunak berkualitas tinggi di tambang …

PT Maruwai Coal Gandeng IPB dukung produk unggulan desa

Tanjung (ANTARA) - Salah satu perusahaan pertambangan batu bara di Kabupaten Murung Raya, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, PT Maruwai Coal, terus memperkuat program ekonomi dan lingkungan bagi masyarakat sekitar wilayah operasional. Dengan menggandeng Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) untuk mendukung program peningkatan …

PT Maruwai Coal (Adaro Minerals)

Lowongan Kerja – PT Maruwai Coal (Adaro Minerals) merupakan salah satu unit bisnis dari PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk. PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk adalah anak usaha Adaro Energy yang bergerak di bidang pertambangan batu bara. Hingga akhir tahun 2021, perusahaan ini menguasai lima konsesi tambang batu bara dengan total luas 146.579 ...

Mustolih Sidik

QHSE Ops Dept Head at PT Maruwai Coal - Adaro Metcoal · Pengalaman: PT. Maruwai Coal · Lokasi: Kalimantan Tengah · 500+ koneksi di LinkedIn. Lihat profil Mustolih Sidik di LinkedIn, komunitas profesional yang terdiri dari 1 miliar anggota.

Tolak Bank Garansi Maruwai Coal, Begini Rencana Emiten …

Bisnis, JAKARTA — PT Petrosea Tbk. (PTRO) berencana menindaklanjuti pencairan bank garansi (guarantee bond) yang diterbitkan bagi PT Maruwai Coal untuk proyek konstruksi jalan, jembatan, dan pekerjaan tanah di Murung Raya Kalimantan Tengah.Dalam surat fakta material yang disampaikan ke otoritas Bursa, perseroan menyatakan tidak setuju dengan …


the period came from PT Maruwai Coal, which produces hard coking coal with ultra-low ash, low phosphorus and high vitrinite content. • Overburden removal volume reached 7.55 Mbcm in 1H23, 116% higher than in 1H22, leading to a 1H23 strip ratio of 2.97x, 30% increase from 1H22. The good performance

Adaro Minerals (ADMR) Punya Cadangan Batu Bara Metalurgi Jumbo

Sejauh ini perseroan melalui perusahaan anak telah mengoperasikan dua konsesi PKP2B, yaitu melalui PT Lahai Coal (LC) dan PT Maruwai Coal (MC). MC merupakan satu-satunya konsesi yang menjalankan aktivitas produksi dan memproduksi batu bara kokas keras dari tambang Lampunut, sementara LC saat ini sedang melakukan optimalisasi tambang. ...

DRA Global

DRA Global was awarded a $50M contract by PT MARUWAI COAL (PTMC), for the design, procurement, delivery of equipment and materials, construction surveillance and …

BHP Billiton Enters Into a Joint Venture For Its Indonesian Coal

BHP Billiton Enters Into a Joint Venture For Its Indonesian Coal Project (Maruwai) 31 March 2010. BHP Billiton has today announced it has entered into binding agreements to create a new joint venture for its Indonesian Coal Project (ICP) with a subsidiary of PT Adaro Energy TBK (Adaro), which has agreed to acquire a 25 per cent interest in the ...


PT Maruwai Coal operates Enviromet coal mining by prioritizing mining safety and environmental conservation based on zero accident mindset. Company vision: to be a leading Indonesian mining company. Company missions: to run safe, effective, efficient, environmentally friendly operations and contribute to local community development. ...