TC 720

Mit dem Loroch TC 720 können die wichtigsten Daten von Kreissägeblättern schnell und präzise geprüft, mit dazugehörigem Bild gespeichert, ausgedruckt und per E-Mail direkt versendet werden. ... EKOSTAR 760. 2 Pages. EKOSTAR 500. 4 Pages *Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional ...


Loroch offers KSC machines for the first time with a device for grinding of chip breaker grooves. Thus, the first time ever worldwide, a machine is presented with possibility of sharpening, re …

All LOROCH catalogs and technical brochures

Search in LOROCH catalogs and technical brochures on DirectIndustry and find the information you need in 1 click. Exhibit with us {{>currencyLabel}} Back {{>currenciesTemplate}} ... EKOSTAR 760. 2 Pages. EKOSTAR 500. 4 Pages. Related Searches. Industrial measuring device; Industrial cooler; Industrial grinding machine; CNC grinding machine;

KSC 710

KSC 710 The compact and innovative Service Center for the automatic re-toothing, sharpening and chamfering of metal circular saw blades. The Revolutionary Idea To develop a flexible and space saving high-tech solution for the grinding of metal circular saw blades with different diameters, bores and tooth pitches.

Carver цахилгаан хөрөө: ашиглалтын онцлог, эзэмшигчийн …

Carver бол цэцэрлэгийн тоног төхөөрөмж үйлдвэрлэж, борлуулдаг Оросын брэнд юм. Энэ нь 2009 онд зохион байгуулагдсан бөгөөд Пермийн "Uraloptinstrument" компанид харьяалагддаг. 1997 оныг Uraloptinstrument үүсгэн байгуулагдсан жил гэж үздэг ...

PowerStar 850

PowerStar 850 The Automatic Saw Sharpening Machine PowerStar 850 is a flexible, CNC controlled High-Tech-Grinding machine for manufacturing of Metal Cutting Circular Saws. The machine captivates through its versatility and ease of use as well as its rigidity and to achieve an exceptional grinding quality.


ekostar – спеціалізована організація, яка займається виробництвом та реалізацією виробів з акрилу, фанери та металу. Перелік продукції компанії включає різні товари для підвищення якості ...


EKOSTAR 760 The automatic grinding machine EKOSTAR 760 can be used for cutting off defective teeth and grinding of saw blades with vari pitch toothing. Besides HSS- and …

Circular Saw Sharpening Machinery

Loroch offers a machine that will fulfill your needs regardless of saw blade diameter, saw blade thickness, tooth number, or tooth pitch while cooling with oil or water emulsion. For visual assistance, our multimedia gallery provides videos of Loroch Circular Saw Sharpening Machines in …

TWIN 860 | Loroch

TWIN 860 Revolutionary 2-in-1 SOLUTION for grinding of. metal-cutting circular saw blades with CBN-abrasive grinding; carbide tipped metal and wood circular saw blades

TWIN 860 | Loroch

TWIN 860 Revolutionary 2-in-1 SOLUTION for grinding of: metal-cutting circular saw blades with CBN-abrasive grinding; carbide tipped metal and wood circular saw blades

Туузан хөрөө

Тархалтын хэмжээ нь мужааны хөрөөний хувьд 0,25-0,30 мм, хусуурын хувьд 0,40-0,50 - 25% хүртэл чийгтэй шилмүүст модыг огтлох үед; Мужааны хөрөөд зориулсан нэг талт 0,20 - 0,25 мм; 0,40 - 0,45 мм-ийн нэг талдаа 25% ...

solution K850-T

Loroch D-69509 Mörlenbach 2200 2300 Öl/oil 2650 Wasser/water 1250 1875 Loroch – Ein Unternehmen der VOLLMER Gruppe Josef-Loroch-Str. 1, 69509 Mörlenbach, Germany phone +49 (0)6209 7159-50, fax +49 (0)6209 7159-38 [email protected], Technical changes reserved | 231028-1 More Information and product videos

KSC 560-B | Loroch

Saw Blade Grinding: Ø 130 – 560 mm: Saw Blade Chamfering: Ø 145 – 560 mm: Cutting in chip breaker slots HSS- and TK-saws: Ø 200 – 560 mm, thickness >= 1.6 mm

SW 450

Consult LOROCH's entire SW 450 catalogue on DirectIndustry. Page: 1/4. SW 450 Technical Data Working range for Circular saw blades Outside diameter Tooth pitch Blade thickness Tooth hight 22 – 450 ( 550 ) mm up to 20 mm up to 8 mm up to 8 ( 12 ) mm Working range for Band saw blades Band saw blade width Band saw blade length 10 – 60 mm up to 600 ( 800 ) mm …

DIY элс шигшүүр | Үүнийг өөрөө хий

Мод боловсруулах машин дээр хутга хурцлах төхөөрөмж. Энэ нь хавтгай нунтаглах аргыг хэрэгжүүлдэг. Дизайн нь 1 ба 2-р зурагнаас тодорхой харагдаж байна. Суурь нь булангаас хийгдсэн.