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EXTEC ® Supplies Consumables for Cutting, Mounting, Grinding and Polishing. Utilizing the most advanced, thoroughly tested materials, we take pride in offering technicians high quality, …


Extec Corp., a manufacturer of supplies and sample preparation equipment, is proud to provide you with our catalog of EXTEC®Premium Supplies and Equipment. Extec's focus is on the critical supplies side for sample preparation with a full range of equipment to accomodate your every …

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– EXTEC Industrial solutions

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Labcut 5000 | Extec Corp.

Industries around the world use the Extec Labcut 5000 ® Advanced Precision Composite Plate Saw for fast, safe, and precise composite cuts. The Labcut 5000 ® eliminates the need for …

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Extec® Laboratory Equipment. Combining durability, reliability and affordability, our full range of equipment includes cutting machines (Labcut), polishing & grinding machines (Labpol), and …

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