Trichophyton species and Microsporum gypseum infection …

The most commonly isolated pathogen from cats is Microsporum canis. Less commonly isolated species include zoophilic species, such as Trichophyton, and geophilic species (ie, Microsporum gypseum) as possible causes of clinical disease, but reports of confirmed cases or case series are limited. 3–5 The goal of this retrospective case series was to report on the …

Microsporum Gypseum

Overview of Fungal Infections. Audrey Wanger, ... Amitava Dasgupta, in Microbiology and Molecular Diagnosis in Pathology, 2017. Microsporum spp.. Microsporum canis causes various fungal infections of the skin including tinea capitis, and tinea corporis.Microsporum audouinii can grow in keratinized tissues. Differentiation from Trichophyton spp. can be made by the …


Microsporum gypseum dengan Kadar Hambat Minimum (KHM) 15,6 µg/mL. Ekstrak etanolik, ekstrak aseton, dan ekstrak metanol kulit buah manggis (Garcinia mangostana L) mempunyai aktivitas antijamur terhadap Trichophyton mentagrophytes dan Microsporum gypseum (Puripattanavong et al., 2006),

2.1. Trichophyton sp.

6 BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA 2.1. Trichophyton sp. Jamur Trichophyton sp. merupakan organisme yang bersifat heterotrof, dinding sel spora mengandung kitin, tidak berplastid, tidak berfotosintesis, tidak bersifat fagotrof, umumnya memiliki hifa yang berdinding


Investigation of hydroalcoholic extract of whole plant of Rosmarinus officinalis for antifungal activity against Trichophyton rubrum and Microsporum gypseum concluded that it may be considered as a potent antIfungal agent and can be used as a powerful source for possible treatment of fungal infections. Dermatophytoses is a serious contagious fungal infection mainly …

Microsporum Gypseum, Jamur Dermatofita Penyebab Kurap …

Ringworm, dermatofitosis, atau biasa disebut kurap adalah penyakit kulit infeksius yang bisa menyerang hewan dan juga manusia.Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh jamur dermatofita, salah satu spesiesnya ialah Microsporum gypseum.. Spesies Microsporum gypseum tergabung ke dalam keluarga Arthrodermataceae dan genus Microsporum.Ia merupakan satu dari tujuh …

Triterpenoids and Their Glycosides from Glinus …

The structures of the new compounds were elucidated based on the analysis of one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS) data. All compounds from the plants were measured for antifungal activities against Microsporum gypseum and Trichophyton rubrum.

(DOC) jamur microsporum | nia gita

Morfologi mikroskopis Trichophyton violaceum Kultur Trichophyton violaceum Morfologi mikroskopis Trichophyton leinii Kultur Trichophyton leinii Gambar 2.11 Gambar 2.12 Gambar 2.13 Gambar 2.14 1) M. canis Makroskopis : Pertumbuhan koloni cepat, permukaan halus sampai bergranuler.

Dermatophytosis caused by Microsporum gypseum in …

The dermatophytosis caused by M. gypseum represents from 0.7% to 5% of all dermatophytosis. 4 The infection outbreaks are exceptional and have been reported in Italy, Colombia, Brazil and Spain. 4,5,7,10 When this occurs, dermatophytosis caused by M. gypseum can be assigned to a specific virulence of the fungus, to a high concentration of the ...

Trichophyton | Mycology | University of Adelaide

Trichophyton concentricum is an anthropophilic fungus which causes chronic widespread non-inflammatory tinea corporis known as tinea imbricata because of the concentric rings of scaling it produces.It is not known to invade hair. Infections among Europeans are rare. Distribution is restricted to the Pacific Islands of Oceania, South East Asia and Central and South America.


leini, Microsporum gypseum, Trichophyton tonsurans. Satu jenis . 8 dermatofita dapat menimbulkan gejala klinis yang berdeda-beda, tergantung pada ... Karakteristik Trichophyton antara lain adalah : (1) Makrokonidia dan mikrokonidia berdinding halus. (2) Banyak spesies tidak mempunyai makrokonidia. Makrokonidia: terbentuk

Antifungal effect of Calotropis procera stem bark on …

The results of the study suggest that C. procera stem could be a potential source of chemotherapeutic drugs for the treatment of tinea associated with E. flocosum and T. gypseum. The antifugal activities of aqueous extract of Calotropics procera was determined against Epidermophyton flocosum and Tricophyton gypseum using agar diffusion techniques. The …

Dermatophytoses in Dogs and Cats

4. Moriello KA, Stuntebeck R, Mullen L. Trichophyton species and Microsporum gypseum infection and fomite carriage in cats from three animal shelters: a retrospective case series. J Feline Med Surg. 2020;22(4):391–394. 5. Cornegliani L, Persico P, Colombo S. Canine nodular dermatophytosis (kerion): 23 cases. Vet Dermatol. 2009;20(3):185–190. 6.


Favus pada kuku tidak dapat dibedakan dengan tinea unguium pada umumnya, yang disebabkan oleh spesies dermatofita yang lain. liga spesies dermatofita dapat menyebabkan favus, yaitu Trichophyton leini, Trichophyton violaceum, dan Microsporum gypseum.


Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Venkatesan dkk (2007) di India, diketahui bahwa sebanyak 93% dermatofitosis disebabkan oleh genus Trichophyton, antara lain Trichophyton rubrum (73,3%), Trichophyton mentagrophytes (19,7%), diikuti oleh Epidermophyton floccosum (4,2%)dan Microsporum gypseum (2,8%).

Microsporum aenigmaticum sp. nov. from M. gypseum …

The natural reservoir of M. gypseum and its relatives is soil, and all species within the M. gypseum complex are considered to be representatives of geophilic dermatophytes . The exception is M. persicolor ; in the past, M. persicolor was treated as a zoophilic species [ 34 ] and subsequently reclassified as being geophilic [ 32 ].

Revista del Centro Dermatológico Pascua

crosporum gypseum. A brief review is made of the literature. Key words: Tinea capitis, M. gypseum. chophyton tonsurans (15%) y otras especies (5%) como Trichophyton violaceum, Trichophyton rubrum, T. men-tagrophytes y Microsporum gypseum .6 En nuestro Centro Dermatológico la frecuencia de casos de tiña por Microsporum gypseum de acuerdo a