Dunnage Washers

Dunnage Washers Dunnage washers use environmentally safe aqueous solutions to clean tote pans, pallets, dunnage trays and shipping containers. High-powered pumps spray parts inside and out, removing oils, chips and dirt. Standard models offer wash, rinse, blow off or dry cycles. Dunnage parts washers are designed to your exact specifications. Request My Quote System …

200 Micron Filter Bag | Parts Washer Filter | Jenfab

0100-P-1225. Keep your industrial parts washer machine running smoothly by f ilter ing out unwanted debris. As cleaning solution flows through these 200-micron felt filter bags, they snatch up free-floating soils. Filter socks capture contaminants for a clearer tank and cleaning solution. Each filter bag includes a plastic ring for easy attachment and removal.

Dip Agitation Washers

Dip Agitation Washers Combine immersion and agitation for a better clean. Our standard and custom dip agitation parts washers come as standalone or multi-stage systems. During cleaning, parts within a liquid bath are moved continuously by a lift mechanism. No matter your part's size, we can design dip agitation tanks around your needs. Add spray […]

100 Micron Filter Bag | Parts Washer Filter | Jenfab

0100-P-1224. Our reliable parts washer filter will t rap free-floating debris in your cleaning solution. The p olypropylene filter bags, also known as filter socks, capture drifting contaminants without limiting the parts washer solvent's flow rate. Plastic rings on each filter bag make them easy to replace and handle. These 100-micron filtration bags come in three sizes.


Jenfab designs & manufactures custom parts washers at a modern 66,000 sq. ft. facility. Schedule a tour to see the state-of-the-art equipment. (800) 524-9274; Facebook-f Linkedin Youtube Twitter Vimeo. Spare Parts. Washers. Conveyor Parts Washers. Rotary Drum Washers. LeanClean 360 Rotary Basket Washers.


Jenfab Cleaning Solutions 1435 N Alliance Ave Springfield, MO 65802; Toll Free: 800-524-9274 Phone: 417-866-8855; Fax: 417-866-8804

Шидэт угаагч порлон 600 ₮ №418488 УБ

Энэхүү угаагч поролон нь ямар ч бодис хэрэглэхгүйгээр бүх төрлийн сав суулга, гэр ахуйн бусад хэрэгсэл, тавилга, буйдан зэргийг цэвэрлэх чадвартай NANO технологийн бүтээгдэхүүн юм. Усанд норгоод...

Jenfab PCS Series

The Jenfab PCS series is a top of the line front load aqueous parts washer. This system not only provides precision cleaning, but reliability that will make it a keystone in your shop or factory.


Jenfab Cleaning Solutions 1435 N Alliance Ave Springfield, MO 65802; Toll Free: 800-524-9274 Phone: 417-866-8855; Fax: 417-866-8804

What Is A Rotary Drum Washer? | Jenfab

Mini drums can also clean rubber or plastics. Jenfab offers mini drums in 15" and 19" diameters. Large rotary drum washers tackle high volumes of fasteners, casings, battery cans and more. Larger drums provide heavy-duty cleaning power and come in sizes ranging from 30" to 45" in diameter. Dual drum washers offer two drums in one ...

Mi mijia гар тоос сорогч

Mi mijia Гар тоос сорогч Сорох хүч - 16kpa Жин - 1.54 кг 3 давхар шүүлтүүртэй нэмэлт 2 төрлийн жижиг хошуутай Хананд тогтоогчтой Тогоор ажиллана