Who Needs to Register

Immigrants U.S. immigrants are required by law to register with the Selective Service System 30 days after their 18th birthday or 30 days after entry into the United States if they are between the ages of 18 and 25.

Conscientious Objectors

Today, all conscientious objectors are required to register with the Selective Service System. A conscientious objector is one who is opposed to serving in the armed forces and/or bearing arms on the grounds of moral or religious principles.

History and Records

Registrants born BEFORE January 1, 1960. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has sole responsibility of ownership, storage, and retrieval of Selective Service records for men born before 1960.

Structure and Style® for Students

How do I migrate to SSS from the old product? This chart will help those families who are transitioning from the Student Writing Intensive (SWI) and Student Intensive Continuation Course (SICC) to Structure and Style ® for Students (SSS) video courses.. Students who completed the SICC courses may choose to go into Year 1 or Year 2.

Sony Semiconductor Solutions Group

SSS has the world's largest share of the image sensor market, and boasts a lineup of high-performance image sensors tailored to a diverse range of needs in a broad range of fields from those for industrial use, to sensors used in consumer cameras, as well as those for automotive and mobile applications. More

Parents | School and Student Services by VenturEd Solutions

The Parents' Financial Statement (PFS), completed online in the SSS Family Portal, is your gateway to financial aid from the nation's leading private and independent schools. The PFS gathers relevant information about your family size, income, and expenses then SSS estimates the amount you can contribute to school expenses and forwards that ...

Proof of Registration

Every man who is registered with the Selective Service System will receive a registration acknowledgement letter with a registration card in the mail from Selective Service within 90 days of registering.

Request for Status Information Letter

System at https:// If you cannot check or verify your registration online and you are not claiming an exemption, or if you have already received a Status Information Letter (SIL) from us in the past, please call (888) 655-1825. Please check each item. You should only submit this form if the following are true:

Student Support Services A Program: Indiana University …

Welcome to SSS. Welcome to IU Indianapolis Student Support Services, where our staff is ready to help you join a small community of scholars. Whether you need tutoring to get you through a difficult class, assistance in planning your course schedule, help with financial aid, or just some everyday advice, Student Support Services is for you!

Historical Timeline

1980 - Present Out of Deep Standby Operation & Organization. The Selective Service System's structure consists of the National Headquarters, Data Management Center (established in 1981), and three Region Headquarters, with 124 full-time employees authorized.

State-Commonwealth Legislation

New Hampshire. Driver's License: Opt-In Solomon: Those required to register with Selective Service must register in order to remain eligible for state-funded student financial aid, scholarships, grants, and loans, and to remain eligible to attend a state-funded college or university. Ineligibility is permanent. Thurmond: Those required to register with Selective …


The lottery process begins with two large air lottery drawing machines. First, 365 (366 for men born in a leap year) balls having both a date and a month on each of them are loaded in one of the machines.

Frequently Asked Questions | Selective Service System

If you are unable to register online, you must obtain a Selective Service registration form (SSS Form 1) available from any U.S. post office or the "Forms" button on our website (), to fill out, sign and date, and mail to the address provided on the form. Selective Service will accept a late registration up until the man turns 26 ...

Universal хацарт бутлуур гэж юу вэ?

Универсал хацарт бутлуур нь эерэг үр дүнг өгдөг гүн бутлах камераараа алдартай, үгүй- илүү хурдацтай дамжуулах, багасгах харьцааг нэмэгдүүлэхийн тулд эргэлдэх nip.


The Law. Selective Service law as it's written now refers specifically to "male persons" in stating who must register and who would be drafted.

SSS resumes updating of member's contact information via My.SSS

The Social Security System (SSS) announced today that members may update their contact information online starting May 16, 2022 after the state-run pension fund resumed the said online updating of record on the My.SSS portal. In a statement, SSS President and Chief Executive Officer Michael Regino said members using their My.SSS account can ...

About Selective Service | Selective Service System

During the Obama-Biden administration, Mr. Spangenberg served as Chief of Staff at the Selective Service System (SSS) and Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Before that, he worked in the U.S. Senate as a Subcommittee Deputy Staff Director and Professional Staff Member, where he led national and ...