TYPICAL GOLD CIP AND CIL BENEFICIATION FLOW SHEET Residue Screen Tramp Removal Screen Media Jaw Crusher Overbelt Magnetic Separator Trommel Classification Cyclone Cluster Thickener Sieve Bend Housing Woodchip Removal Treatment of Old Slimes Dam Kambalda Screen CIP/CIL Process Tailings Dam Cyclone Tailings Gold Concentrate Cathode …

Towards more effective simulation of CIP and CIL processes.

To date developments in the simulation of carbon-in-pulp (CIP) adsorption circuits have focused primarily on the modelling of adsorption. This series of three papers descriptionbes a development in a direction that has received less attention, i.e. the need for a detailed descriptionption of the movement of carbon and slurry in continuous CIP and carbon-in-Ieach (CIL) plants. A new …


There are three main carbon adsorption processes used in gold mining: carbon-in-pulp (CIP), carbon-in-leach (CIL), and carbon-in-columns (CIC). CIP and CIL processes recover gold directly from ore pulps or slurries containing up to 55% solids using activated carbon, while CIC treats solutions from heap leaching. CIP and CIL generally have lower capital costs than the …

Towards more effective simulation of CIP and CIL …

in CIP and CIL circuits, and is the important point of departure for the new simulator. The approach is discuss-ed in detail in Part 2 of this series of papers. Modelling of the Process Chemistry With regard to the modelling of the process chemistry, adequate models for concurrent leaching and adsorption

CIP/CIL Modelling

CIP CIL Circuit Configuration 3 x 1080 m3 (24h of CN) 8 x 120 m3 (7h of CIP) 6 x ~700 m3 (31h total) Carbon Concentration 30 g/L 15 g/L Carbon Loading 1142 g/t 1130 g/t Carbon Transfer 1.5 t/day carbon transfer Carbon Inventory / Stage 3.6 t 10.1 t Carbon Inventory (all) 29 t 61 t ...


CIP vs CIL. 1. CIL (Carbon in Leach) Process is an efficient design of extracting and recovering gold from its ore. By cyaniding and carbon leaching crushed gold ore slurry …

Modeling and optimization of Carbon in leach (CIL) circuit …

The aim of modelling and simulation of CIP/CIL tanks is limited to either refining the models used for simulations or optimizing the process using operating parameters. For improving the models to simulate CILs, van Deventer and Ross (1991) reviewed the developments in CIP systems and concluded that preg-robbing is an important phenomenon in ...

Towards more effective simulation of CIP and CIL processes …

SYNOPSIS To date developments in the simulation of carbon-in-pulp (CIP) adsorption circuits have focused primarily on the modelling of adsorption. This series of three papers describes a development in a direction that has received less attention, i.e. the need for a detailed description of the movement of carbon and slurry in continuous CIP and carbon-in-Ieach (CIL) plants. A …

Gold CIP/CIL Process

Introduction of gold ore CIP/CIL process CIP (carbon-in-Pulp) and CIL (Carbon-In-Leach) are two commonly used gold mineral processing processes, both of which use activated Carbon to adsorb gold, so as to achieve gold extraction. The CIP process is to add activated carbon directly to the pulp, while the CIL process is to inject the pulp into the activated carbon bed.

v117n8a13 Gold CIP and CIL process optimization in a …

Case studies for both a CIP plant and a CIL plant are presented.,9: :0729:28.1$ A plant evaluation on a 180 000 t/month CIP plant was performed. The plant consists of six Kemix pump cells in a carousel flow arrangement, a hydrochloric acid pre-wash, high-pressure elution at 125°C, kiln regeneration, and electrowinning.

Gold CIP and CIL Process Optimization in A Capital

This document discusses optimizing gold CIP and CIL processes in a capital constrained environment through the use of modeling and economic analysis. It presents two case studies from South African gold plants. The well-known Nicol-Fleming kinetic adsorption model is used, along with economic modeling, to determine the operational conditions that will maximize …

What Is CIP and CIL?

CIP and CIL method is a new process for processing precious metal-containing pulp on the basis of the conventional cyanide gold extraction method. In CIP process, leaching and adsorption are two operations, the leaching tank is used for cyanide leaching of the slurry, and the carbon slurry tank is used for adsorption of gold by activated carbon.

Design CIL Circuit

Carbon-in-Leach (CIL) is conventionally used in gold processing operations when preg robbing components are present in the ore. CIL process is becoming attractive even in …

OKTOP® CIL Reactor

OKTOP® CIL reactors are specially designed and optimized equipment for the gold cyanide leaching and recovery, and are suitable for both CIL and CIP process applications. With more …