New Eagle's CCS Fast Charge Interface is a System-onModule solution that enables manufacturers of AC and DC EV chargers to shorten the time to market and minimize the development effort while producing an intelligent charger. – Compliant to IEC 61851-1 and SAE J1772 Control Pilot signaling – Supports Type-1 or Type-2 socket

New Eagle

New Eagle offers a range of autonomous solutions, including drive-by-wire kits for production vehicles, enabled by New Eagle's RaptorTM platform. R aptor is a suite of embedded Model-Based Development (eMBD) tools that combine the speed and flexibility of rapid-prototyping with the low cost and high quality of rugged, high-volume production ...

Raptor Licensing

You will need to contact New Eagle Support in order to transfer your license to a new machine. Your license will also need to be under an active software maintenance agreement. List of Compatible Products. The following is a list of software products that can be hosted in the standard New Eagle License: New Eagle Data Log Conversion Tool

Raptor Training – New Eagle Store

New Eagle offers Raptor Training in the following ways:. Video Training Online – This is a step-by-step video training series that can be utilized at your own pace online. It consisting of 20 short videos covering topics ranging from initial product overviews, installation and licensing…to building, programming, and troubleshooting software.


New Eagle's Raptor-Cal tool is an intuitive, easy to use, yet powerful calibration tool. The tool's features, functionality and workflow were designed by experienced application engineers hoping to improve upon the shortcomings of other calibration tools currently on the market. Raptor-Cal can be used to program and calibrate ECUs as well ...

Граж Үйлдвэрийн Эпокси резин шалны будаг

Зориулалт: Агуулахын шал, хүнд, хөнгөн үйлдвэрийн шал,Гаражийн шал,дэлгүүрийн шал,авто үйлчилгэ,Хүнсний үйлчилгээны шал,Үйлдвэр, машин угаалга, авто засварын газар, машины зогсоол, барааны агуулах зэргийн шалыг ...

Electric & Hybrid – New Eagle Store

New Eagle has an extensive supplier network to provide the best validated components for electric and hybrid vehicles at competitive prices. We also have an an experienced products team that can help you engineer the best solution. Please complete our Planning Guide (click button below) and email it to [email protected]. If you need assistance ...

Замын хийц эдлэлүүд

Үнэ /₮/ L-урт, b-өргөн, h-өндөр ... Үйлдвэрийн баруун бүс, Үйлдвэрийн тойруу гудамж 66/1; Салбар 2: Улаанбаатар, СХД-ийн 20-р хороо, Сонсголон 18131 гудамж 69/1; Салбар 1: 70006270, 94096270; Салбар 2: 78006270, 95096270;

Autonomous Machines

2. The New Eagle Drive-by-Wire Kits have been configured for test platform use and are compatible with commercially available vehicles produced by Toyota and named the Prius®. This trademark is owned by Toyota and New Eagle and the New Eagle Drive-by-Wire Kits are not owned by, made by, affiliated with, or sponsored or approved by Toyota.

Асфальт холих үйлдвэр үйлдвэрлэгч | Асфальт үйлдвэрийн …

Sinoroader нь өөрийн үйлдвэртэй тул бид асфальт холих үйлдвэр, зөөврийн асфальт холих үйлдвэрийг хамгийн хямд үнэ, үнийн саналыг нийлүүлэх боломжтой. Sinoroader-ийн асфальт холих үйлдвэрүүд нь салбарын шилдэг асфальт хольц ...

New Eagle Expands Headquarters and Opens New Global …

Read on PR Newswire. Strategic Expansion Includes Larger Headquarters in Ann Arbor and Global Offices to Bolster Company's Growth Trajectory in 2024 and Beyond. ANN ARBOR, Mich., April 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — New Eagle, a leader in embedded software solutions and electronic control units, today announced its relocation to a larger headquarters …


Overview. The GCM70 is a general-purpose control module. The module has two CAN buses and sports a three-phase motor driver. The eclectic inputs and outputs make this module suitable for a wide variety of general-purpose applications.

Гүүрэн кран нийлүүлэгч | Тэргүүлэгч үйлдвэрлэгч

БНХАУ-ын тэргүүлэгч үйлдвэрлэгч Kino Cranes & Components-ийн гүүрэн крануудын тусламжтайгаар бүтээмж, аюулгүй байдал, засвар үйлчилгээний зардлыг нэмэгдүүлээрэй. Агаарын өргөх төхөөрөмжийг суурилуулах, засвар үйлчилгээ хийх ...


From software development to hardware selection to full system integration, New Eagle has extensive experience with hydraulic control systems. Please see the information below on New Eagle's hydraulic control module options and other related components. As always, New Eagle's experienced application engineers are capable of providing ...