Multistage stabilization of Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu and As in …

During the remediation process, the content of free-state P in the soil first increased and then decreased; the early decrease in phosphorus (0–10 days) was attributed to the formation of complexes between M 2+ (Pb, Zn, Ca, etc.) and PO 4 3-, which resulted in the bioavailable content of Pb, Zn, Cu, and Cd decreasing by 81.73 %, 79.58 %, 91. ...

Predicting the optimum compositions of high-performance Cu–Zn …

In the alloy materials, their mechanical properties mightly rely on the compositions and concentrations of chemical elements. Therefore, looking for the optimum elemental concentration and composition is still a critical issue to design high-performance alloy materials. Traditional alloy designing method via "trial and error" or domain experts' experiences is barely …

Pb-Zn-Cu accumulation from seafloor sedimentation to …

The Tiemurt Pb-Zn-Cu deposit is situated in the southern margin of the Chinese Altay Orogen (Fig. 2).It was first discovered in 1987 with contained metals of 0.29 Mt Pb + Zn and 0.14 Mt Cu (Wan et al., 2010a).Some geological and geochemical characteristics of primary VMS mineralization are preserved at Tiemurt, but the major Pb-Zn-Cu mineralization is adjacent to …

The influence of ageing on the stabilisation of interfacial (Cu…

Formation/growth behaviour, phase stability, and mechanical properties of interfacial Cu 6 Sn 5 intermetallics influenced by micro-alloying in Pb-free solder joints, are of ongoing interest as this phase is crucial to the service reliability of solder joints.Our recent work has demonstrated that, after reflow, the homogeneously located micro-alloying elements of …

Pb-Zn-Cu accumulation from seafloor sedimentation to …

The Tiemurt Pb-Zn-Cu deposit (metal reserve: 0.29 Mt (Pb + Zn) and 0.14 Mt Cu) is hosted in the Kangbutiebao Formation volcanic-sedimentary rocks in the Chinese Altay Orogen, NW China. Although some geological and geochemical characteristics of primary seafloor sedimentary mineralization are preserved, major fault-controlled Pb-Zn-Cu orebodies ...

Genesis and Evolution of Pb-Zn-Ag Polymetallic Deposits

The Pb isotopic composition of the sulfides from the Qiandongshan–Dongtangzi Pb-Zn deposit (with 206 Pb/ 204 Pb ratios of 18.06 to 18.14, the 207 Pb/ 204 Pb ratios of 15.61 to 15.71, and 208 Pb/ 204 Pb ratios of 38.15 to 38.50) is similar to that of the Late Triassic Xiba granite pluton, suggesting that they share the same Pb source. The ...

pH Dependent Leaching Behavior of Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu and As …

From the Middle Ages until the beginning of the twentieth century, extensive Zn–Pb mining and smelting was carried out in East-Belgium. By lack of waste treatment techniques and sustainable management practices, metal-bearing slags and unprocessed waste were dumped in huge tailings, which still represent an important source of contamination. A …

Remediation of Cu-, Zn-, and Pb-Contaminated Soil Using

The influence of different pH conditions and simulated inter-root environmental solutions on the release behavior of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, and Zn) from contaminated soils was investigated. The results indicate that heavy metal leaching from the soil is more likely to occur under acidic conditions and there is a risk of sustained presence of heavy metals in the inter …

Tracing the Eh–pH evolution of Cu–Pb–As–Zn supergene

The Cu–Pb–As–Zn mineralization of Cap Garonne (Le Pradet, Provence, France; Fig. 1) is located in Triassic siliciclastic rocks, a few meters above the contact between Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks (Fig. 2). It is the only known Cu–Pb–As–Zn association of Provence and surrounding areas, covering only a few hectares.

New insights on the formation of the Jingchong Cu-Co-Pb-Zn …

As a result of little attention to the Pb-Zn mineralization in the Cu-Co-Pb-Zn system, it is unclear about the discrepancy among these deposits. The Jingchong Cu-Co-Pb-Zn deposit with reserves of 0.24 Mt Cu, 3718 t Co, 12250 t Pb and 72831 t Zn, is characterized by lower Cu-Co and upper Pb-Zn orebodies (Wang et al., 2017, Wang et al., 2022).

Evidence of fluid evolution of Baoshan Cu−Pb−Zn …

Evidence of fluid evolution of Baoshan Cu−Pb−Zn polymetallic deposit: Constraints from in-situ sulfur isotope and trace element compositions of pyrite. ... GRAMFORT A, MICHEL V, THIRION B, GRISEL O, BLONDEL M, MüLLER A, NOTHMAN J, LOUPPE G. Scikit-learn: Machine learning in python [J]. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2012, 12 ...

Remediation of Pb-, Zn-, Cu-, and Cd-Contaminated Soil in a …

The contents of EDTA-extractable Pb, Zn, and Cu were significantly reduced by 29.8–32.5%, 1.85–5.72%, and 30.0–32.9%, respectively, compared to the control. The co-cropping of Ilex cornuta and Epipremnum aureum promoted enrichment effects of Epipremnum aureum on Pb and Ilex cornuta on Cd (p < 0.05). ... You are accessing a machine ...

Earth's global Ag, Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn cycles

[1] The stocks and flows of the global silver, aluminum, chromium, copper, iron, nickel, lead, and zinc cycles quantify over 98% of the total mass of metal mobilized by human activity at the turn of the 21st century. Iron and aluminum, representing >95% by mass of all metals mined, are for the first time assessed for global anthropogenic emissions to air, water, …

Timing of porphyry (Cu-Mo) and base metal (Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu …

The Morococha district in central Peru is characterised by economically important Cordilleran polymetallic (Zn-Pb-Ag-Cu) vein and replacement bodies and the large Toromocho porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in its centre. U-Pb, Re-Os, and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology data for various porphyry-related hydrothermal mineralisation styles record a 3.5-Ma multi-stage history of …

Concentrations and chemical fractions of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb …

Metal pollution in urban soils due to smelting and electroplating has become a severe problem in China. In this study, the concentration, chemical fraction, and leaching behavior of typical metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb) in soil samples from ten metallurgical sites were studied. The results show that some of the soils were polluted with Cu and most were heavily polluted …

Leaching of Cu, Zn, and Pb from Sulfidic Tailings Under the …

Leaching Behavior of Cu, Zn, and Pb Using Design of Experiment. Table 3 summarizes the experimental setup performed and the results obtained for the desired metals Cu, Zn, and Pb in a 4-h experiment according to the 3 3 Box–Behnken design. As shown, approximately 30% of Cu and Zn were leached within 4 h in experiment numbers 7, 8, and 12.